
Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Products iWowWe and Services

Products iWowWe and Services;  It is not necessary to talk about the features and facilities systems and servers. Bill Starkey made sure that all the equipment and software was superior to previous analogues not only in quality but also on the interface, ease of operation and the opportunity.
The company provides services:
  1. Video Email. The world's first technology, thanks to which any organization, private enterprise, an individual can send promotional letter, as a business card to any destination, and built a tool that will help to create a mailing campaign mail video containing any of your information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses). Statistics show that the use of the service distribution mail video will not only help increase your subscriber base, but also provide an opportunity to create a quality advertising campaign that will bring your business to the next level. Un;omitted File Storage. Not enough space on your computer? iWowWe provide unlimited storage space for all your files (documents of doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, PDF-files, videos, photos, etc. - all stored and opens directly into the system in your account).
  2. Video Conference. IWowWe experts have created a special room for video communication of two or more people. With the help of the conference - video communication can be carried out business cooperation, seminars, webinars, government appointments, medical board, communication with the media. You can also be used for family reunions, celebrations, support for people with hearing impairments. In the conference hall can seat 100 people, 8 of which are in video mode. We have an easy to use interface, whiteboard, the ability to conduct surveys on the screen to show a group of people are in the room. You can play all types of files.
  3. Live Broadcasting. The product allows you to hold video appeal to a large audience. At the same time in the room can hold more than 500 people, two of whom are in the video mode. On the whole audience can demonstrate: documents, presentations, photos, videos, and many others. As a product of video communication, TV indispensable in the conduct online events, seminars, training, innovation meetings, communicating with lots of people.
  4. Auto Responder. It is a product of business automation. It makes 85% of the work for you. After configuring the video newsletter once, your potential customers will receive video messages in the automatic mode all the time. The number of advertising campaigns is limited. With this product, we can create subscription forms, and this, in turn, will allow us to significantly increase its subscription base.

Join iWowWe get the benefits and business to improve your finances

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